Friday, December 7, 2012

As Blessings Chase You...Your Enemies Will Evaporate Before Your Eyes When You Stand Righteously Forgiving Without Waiting For Others to Apologize

Take not credit for any that HE does through me or you
Much of what HE does through me... I do not even fully understand myself.
When HE anoints me & directs me to do something...I try to be immediately obedient and y hands fly faster n the keys than my mind can keep up at times.
So if I took credit for what HE does through me...I would surely shrivel up and die.
For it is HE who is within me...who has already overcome the world of disease and hardships that sin brought into a perfect world....that dispelled or infected what was good and pure which is what sickness and abnormalities from God's original plan and design are...defined.
Blessings such as these are really more responsibility than a gift...though it is a gift and the purpose for which I was born...If I chose to do as Frank Sinatra...and "Do it MY WAY" I guarantee you would never read me...
Certainly never recommend my blogs to any other.
Keep on smiling in the face of the enemy and he will dissolve and evaporate for you before your eyes!
For HE who is in you is not only in front of you clearing your way...but behind you defending you from your jealous enemies who are crude, rude and desire your end...or death...for anyone obediently living following each of HIS instructions from the moment he wakes till falls to sleep at night...
Whether studying for HIS Holy Priesthood...or just merely typing these blogs obediently as I am now;
The devil actually fears such obedient souls!
The devil is the biggest coward that ever was....for when he committed the first sin in all creation....God cast him down!
So the only tactic the enemy of God has in his hand is wielding your fears that he observes in you against yourself.
God's Holy Word declares that perfect love casts out all fear.  So when ever you feel afraid f anything...
Ask yourself:  Who do I need to forgive?
For perfect love never holds in bondage of unforgiveness anyone...not forgiving each one who offends you in both a minor or serious way...not merely hurts the relationship between yourself and this person who hurt you....but holding grudges or anger hurts both God and they self.
For offense of any kind holds both you and others in bondage...and only when one forgives even before the accused, accuser, or attacker asks for forgiveness do you or I prevent bondage causing fear to grab onto our hearts...and can for any period till we make corrections slow our blessings to halt.

But you can too be an Esther or a Jacob too refusing to be blue or becoming unglued...but giving generously from your heart both from your treasure and your pleasures share your time with others who are merely lonely leading the lost to Jesus Christ.

We all by the authority of our baptisms are called to be both priests and prophets...but silence not your tongue when HIS Most Holy Spirit places HIS words into your heart.

For silence is never a virtue when charity requires speech or when the Lord of Hosts fills you to be HIS prophet for "A little while"!

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!  Stay and remain in HIM and remain chased down by blessings that you cannot contain nor maintain but must pour out onto others less become smothered...

Here HE comes raining down!

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