Monday, November 26, 2012

How is it That Most Christians Even Catholics....Divide Themselves Against Each Other?

Each and everyone born on earth of a woman was created by God to be a vessel of HIS love to others and flowing back through and into HIM as HE then creates beautiful wonders in and through everyone.
But not even Almighty God can perform this when people cut themselves off by their strange show-offy peculiar acts or stunts.....instead of walking up to the person they admire and desire with all their heart to have and share friendship with.
And our Holy Mother Catholic Church at least in this country even divides herself with requiring "Catholic Parish Registration."
Recall Saint Paul had heard that the new Christians in the areas which his disciples had gone out preaching and teaching the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ to...were now distinguishing themselves from one another.  Actually dividing their own body...for as Christians they like we living today....each of you reading this right now...
Whether you have asked our Lord Jesus to come into your life yet, whether you have been catechized in the Faith of HIS Holy Catholic Church...our you are a Christian but not yet a Catholic.... you still are even if you do not know it have been created by God to know love & serve HIM.
The essence of Christianity is that we are not our own but were created by God to serve God through serving one another.
No one is an island.  What we do and what ever we say regardless where we are does not just affect oneself....but affects each person who hears us or is presence to witness our actions regardless if our actions are pure and kind and merciful as HE is...
And even the selfish hateful acts of the haughty jealous angry ones painfully affect those who see and hear such witness.