Monday, December 19, 2011

As We Draw Close to Christmas and the End of Another Year We Are Very Grateful!

When you and I and those we love are always seeking to be a blessing to another...

Whether a next door neighbor, a sister or a brother...

Regardless what we do or what we give...The one True GOD of us all multiplies our seed we sow into others lives to bring health, joy, or warm the lives of those less fortunate...or possibly the lost who made poor choices that landed them behind the bars of state prisons and county or parish jails.

When we are always seeking the opportunity to bless...
GOD Chases us down with blessings!

William & I have embraced what was once merely our dream...retroactive
That every man who lacked proper guidance in taking the right path...
Will be given another chance!

This calender year 2011 the doors have been legally sprung open for our dream to become reality,
when The Second Chance Act passed.

On the same date only son was deployed to Iraq, September 13, 2011...The Internal Revenue Service declared The Carpenter's Friend to be an Educational 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Public Charity retroactive to August 26, 2011.  

And we are also giving thanks and praise that our son Captain Charles Andrew Griggs safely has returned home to El Paso Texas after the Iraq War was declared over by our President....  Charles shocked us with a phone call from FT Hood Texas November 7, 2011.  We are stunned since even he was told that if the Iraq conflict was ended before his one year deployment was up...he and his men would be sent directly into a different war zone.

So we give thanks that he and his unit are all home for at least Christmas with their families before our country calls them into action again.

We also take this time to thank you, our readers, and financial supporters that keep us moving toward setting all captives free with carpentry skills that they will be builders of new lives and never destructive again.

Turning them into punctual, highly skilled carpenters...Tax Paying contributors to their communities.

Many thanks and may GOD chase you too down with infinitely more blessings than you can ask think dream or imagine...for more than you can contain making you yourself a fountain of HIS overflowing abundance onto others...a fruitful tree planted by living water.

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!             

Sunday, December 11, 2011

When We Make a Purposeful Decision to Make Every Word We Ever Speak Be a Blessing to Any And All Who Hear Us Speak...

We ourselves will be chased down by blessings...

Both joy and jealousy will follow us all the days of our lives.

For those who have not received the grace....the art of joyful submission the with it brings the Holy Peace that surpasses all understanding,

They will hate us just as they hated The Lord.

But let you & I rejoice with The Apostles and the Holy Saints of Almighty GOD
That both our love, and great Faith...or commitment is worthy of their hatred for HIS Name sake!

Keep on singing in spite of their snickers...say a prayer for them as you fly past them upon HIS lifting Holy Wings;
Just maybe if we take the time to do so...our simple prayer may be all GOD needs to draw them to Himself that they not be lost.

And when you and I enter HIS Pearly Heaven's Gates we will have a river of believers trailing us to HIM that they to may receive Eternal LIfe In and Through HIM.

Amen Amen Amen and Aleluia!