Friday, December 14, 2012

Anyone Who Insists On Being Vulgar In Their Dress Language or Behavior....Can Expect to Be Caught On Camera and Become The Latest Uncovered Vilan On THe World-Wide Blogs

William & I have been thoroughly amused at the crazy behaviors of those who cut themselves loose...
Simply hilariously funny all that we had been folks do in both the Bohnigs and Winn-Dixie parking lots to catch a glimpse of the couple everyone is talking about...
He walks her in and asks for a sample which he blesses and breaks and shares with her.  Then orders either only 2 or 4 slices of low salt turkey or occasionally ham...
with a deli salad and a sack of rolls...unless they bought the rolls the night before.
They like to hear my dearest call me:  "My Sweetie-Pie" as he tenderly protectively walks me through the parking lot to our van shielding arrogant male gaukers from approaching me with their hands.
But these men & women who wish to have us as friends...they must change how they dress first before we will ever entertain conversation...
Instead of introducing themselves from a natural distance of a few feet away...
They have forced their way by confrontation...
Mary Ernst tried bull dozing us over with her shopping cart in the Bohnigs Super-Market and the big giant RED-Headed Roly-Poly always dressed in royal least one of her garments... has tried backing over me with her metallic colored small car.....more times than I am able to keep tract of....
But her venomous attacks come only once a week before the 5PM Vigil Mass!
I can understand why she is full of such rage...
She set her self up to be grumpy always by driving a vehicle that which the roof or ceiling is not tall enough for her.
She's a big big chunky woman...TALL but her gigantic abdomen weighs her UHGggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg...
Actually dragging her upper body down several inches crunching over her stomach...
Honestly....I am surprised she can rise up to or for any occasion at all...
But why she didn't buy herself a taller car...
But frustrates herself even more each time she ever goes out doors.
I cannot ever imagine her choosing to walk instead of drive and ride....
Soon and very soon....she and the rest...if they change not their aggressive revengeful behavior against us or against any one within our presence they will eventually be caught on EstherStephanada's Camera!
And the only mercy they will be shown is to made the "Uncovered Villain on the BLOGS 5, 6, or 10PM NEWS"
Cameras ROLL'N

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Our Words and Actions Do Matter Always...We Create Our Enviroment Ourselves....So Never Complain to Anyone But Yourself!

Regardless what your circumstances are...
For many things are out of our control.
We can accept that which we cannot change while choosing to speak only kind words that do not divide but lift high and heal...
Pure kind words that heal body soul and mind regardless how snoody and grumpy a rough stiff-necked one is to you you cany-can -can stead of returning his our her own jealous hardboiled..carborator chewing vulgarity back.
You can simply say as I have to such a prune:  "Sory you feel so bad...hope your better soon!"
But never let such a snot drag you down from the clouds where you have flown upon HIS Holy Wings of fire...
Remember every man woman and child was created in the unique image of Almighty God and each one was given the ability to love...for love is what we were created for....and let not those who refuse to receive your love and return it...never let one of these grumpy grump bumps an a log get you down.
Tell them to wear blue without being blue..that if you do in spite of their behavior towards you....then they can wear blue without being blue or stewed and can change their grumps to a cheery mood and be included more often any where any time...
For a cheerful love giving one without an angry jealous spirit...
Is always more than welcomed but always sought after for their joy & laughter not only instantly fills any room...
But spills out into each one who in turn spills and spreads it in just as many directions an all have much affection for such a one who choose to never be blue nor let any lemon sour-graper
poison their dispostion, but rather simply blesses their day and moves onto meet and greet those who walk in shoes of peace and never folly.

Friday, December 7, 2012

As Blessings Chase You...Your Enemies Will Evaporate Before Your Eyes When You Stand Righteously Forgiving Without Waiting For Others to Apologize

Take not credit for any that HE does through me or you
Much of what HE does through me... I do not even fully understand myself.
When HE anoints me & directs me to do something...I try to be immediately obedient and y hands fly faster n the keys than my mind can keep up at times.
So if I took credit for what HE does through me...I would surely shrivel up and die.
For it is HE who is within me...who has already overcome the world of disease and hardships that sin brought into a perfect world....that dispelled or infected what was good and pure which is what sickness and abnormalities from God's original plan and design are...defined.
Blessings such as these are really more responsibility than a gift...though it is a gift and the purpose for which I was born...If I chose to do as Frank Sinatra...and "Do it MY WAY" I guarantee you would never read me...
Certainly never recommend my blogs to any other.
Keep on smiling in the face of the enemy and he will dissolve and evaporate for you before your eyes!
For HE who is in you is not only in front of you clearing your way...but behind you defending you from your jealous enemies who are crude, rude and desire your end...or death...for anyone obediently living following each of HIS instructions from the moment he wakes till falls to sleep at night...
Whether studying for HIS Holy Priesthood...or just merely typing these blogs obediently as I am now;
The devil actually fears such obedient souls!
The devil is the biggest coward that ever was....for when he committed the first sin in all creation....God cast him down!
So the only tactic the enemy of God has in his hand is wielding your fears that he observes in you against yourself.
God's Holy Word declares that perfect love casts out all fear.  So when ever you feel afraid f anything...
Ask yourself:  Who do I need to forgive?
For perfect love never holds in bondage of unforgiveness anyone...not forgiving each one who offends you in both a minor or serious way...not merely hurts the relationship between yourself and this person who hurt you....but holding grudges or anger hurts both God and they self.
For offense of any kind holds both you and others in bondage...and only when one forgives even before the accused, accuser, or attacker asks for forgiveness do you or I prevent bondage causing fear to grab onto our hearts...and can for any period till we make corrections slow our blessings to halt.

But you can too be an Esther or a Jacob too refusing to be blue or becoming unglued...but giving generously from your heart both from your treasure and your pleasures share your time with others who are merely lonely leading the lost to Jesus Christ.

We all by the authority of our baptisms are called to be both priests and prophets...but silence not your tongue when HIS Most Holy Spirit places HIS words into your heart.

For silence is never a virtue when charity requires speech or when the Lord of Hosts fills you to be HIS prophet for "A little while"!

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!  Stay and remain in HIM and remain chased down by blessings that you cannot contain nor maintain but must pour out onto others less become smothered...

Here HE comes raining down!

Monday, November 26, 2012

How is it That Most Christians Even Catholics....Divide Themselves Against Each Other?

Each and everyone born on earth of a woman was created by God to be a vessel of HIS love to others and flowing back through and into HIM as HE then creates beautiful wonders in and through everyone.
But not even Almighty God can perform this when people cut themselves off by their strange show-offy peculiar acts or stunts.....instead of walking up to the person they admire and desire with all their heart to have and share friendship with.
And our Holy Mother Catholic Church at least in this country even divides herself with requiring "Catholic Parish Registration."
Recall Saint Paul had heard that the new Christians in the areas which his disciples had gone out preaching and teaching the Holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ to...were now distinguishing themselves from one another.  Actually dividing their own body...for as Christians they like we living today....each of you reading this right now...
Whether you have asked our Lord Jesus to come into your life yet, whether you have been catechized in the Faith of HIS Holy Catholic Church...our you are a Christian but not yet a Catholic.... you still are even if you do not know it have been created by God to know love & serve HIM.
The essence of Christianity is that we are not our own but were created by God to serve God through serving one another.
No one is an island.  What we do and what ever we say regardless where we are does not just affect oneself....but affects each person who hears us or is presence to witness our actions regardless if our actions are pure and kind and merciful as HE is...
And even the selfish hateful acts of the haughty jealous angry ones painfully affect those who see and hear such witness.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hello All! I searching email for something else...God placed this on my screen...Pictures I promised in wake of Gerline , Fr John...& ....all of you. So I will simply forward instead of re-inenting the wheel.

                                        William & Stephanie 1rst Wedding Anniversary

On Colin's birthday September 18, 2009 we went to Billy Grahm's Library.
Getting all cowwed up for Free Lunch!  Cows Eat Free!!!  Whipee MOOOOOOOOOOOO

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Sep 24, 2009 at 6:54 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hello All!

Forwarded conversation
Subject: Hello All!

Date: Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 1:30 PM
To: Aunt Joan Carroll Cruz , Aunt Judith & Uncle Steven , Charles t;, Courtney R Griggs , Kim Hussey Moser ;laura.summers, Lisa ; Daniel Carroll , Max  Mom; Dad Dan  Betty Carroll

Dear Family,
I have included all whose e-addresses we have listed in our computer and would have included everyone else had we had an e address for them.
We do not have much time before we do have to be permanently out of our house and an exact date is unknown.
This is a blessing and is answer to our prayers!  Our house is not salable at any price.  And walking away we will owe nothing.
If we sell it for nothing, we will have a loan to pay!  It is increadable....  read the atached letter typed today....  first attachment.
I have also attached some fun things. I will not have the luxury of being able to take the amount of time I have taken to prepare this to send to entire family in quite a long time!
See the attachments and GOD Bless all!

Appears to have mal-functioned... some things were not viewable...  so resending.  I promised Billy after getting this correctly sent that I will work only on certain things for our move!
Bye for a while!!  Be watching the postal mailbox until the move.   Then this account at least weekly after..
God Bless All and anyone can foward this to other members of family....  praying for all... regardless when I last heard from them!!
EstherStephanada & Billy-Jacob

Monday, September 10, 2012

How is it that the spiritually educated who lead us cannot accept that not all souls God has created will be in heaven? Why can't they recognize God's Wrath?

Recently in obedience to God I began a few new blogs to address harsh bitter attitudes that in the past lived among us, but were then the minority of society and usually they became the outcast.
But sadly today it is the opposite...the brash, hateful, unkind, harsh ones are the majority and when they encounter true kindness as Mother Teresa once wrote in a poem...  They do not understand why anyone would love they return hostility and hatred for the love they had hoped and possibly prayed to receive...
But their brash hardness of heart pushes away those who seek only to love them and be loved by them...
Then they say that there is no God for a God who loves would have answered my prayers.
And thus God's Holy Word is full filled again...  "The sighted will be made blind and the blind will see!"  Do You See What I see???
Here is one sample response I have received from one of many religious order members who reads my blogs and other writings.
And below her response is the original

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 11:41 AM, <sister> wrote:


From: Mrs Stephanie Carroll Gustavson
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2012 3:48 PM

Hallo friends...I trust you all are okay after Isaac as we are....storms come to wash & cleanse the land of hate, sin that wicked or even those who consider themselves Christian but refuse to shake some form of Idolatry or sinfulness.
So I believe all of you are safe as we continue to be.  In actuality storms come for the sake of HIS righteous ones who seek HIM with all their heart from morning till wash away anything that does not belong in a Christian or Catholic's life.
Love you all,

Not many, not even Church leaders want to preach the Truth boldly anymore!
They fear the rise of out rage of whose toes their words will convict.
But as Mother Angelica on her programs which began airing on EWTN in the 1980's always said:  "We are all called to be great saints...Don't miss the opportunity!" 
And as a small child in the 1960's I was told that I would be a great saint one day....and I had the Faith to say:  "Whatever YOU say Lord!!! You KNOW EVERYTHING!"
Saints can never be silent...for by definition Saints are those who are bold to stand up for the weak, the poor and the trampled upon that no one else either cares about.
Saints are also the ones who refuse to talk focus on what they cannot do themselves or what they do not have and in spite of those who try to stop them focus on what God can and promises to do for them and through them regardless how many angry letters they receive...
Some so angry that they send through postal mail and do not sign them!
Saints are willing risk their lives for their own spouse, sister or brother in FAITH that HE will rescue them both...
and endure the hate and rejection of those who do not love, honor and cherish their own husband or wife as we do.
Today in a society where priests actually allow men & women to wear very tight vulgar fitting clothing on the altar reading the scripture readings of the day, creating a conflict of conscience within the hearts of anyone who tries to keep their thoughts absolutely pure...
More saints are needed to stand and speak up and let the heads and bodies roll where ever they may roll to...
And don't get frightened when they yell, scream, rant or rave that you have corrected them!
Let them squirm and squeal!!
When enough of us who want to remain pure while participating in Holy Mass press our Pastors to choose someone else to read who is addressed appropriately when a lector shows up in vulgar or revealing clothing...
It will happen!
And styles worn will change and become more modest.
But only if folks like you and me join and speak up!
So today write a letter to your pastor and let him know... and even better you can bring a petition to your pastor after having as many as you can from your community to sign it!
Friends go forth now and dare to live all of us were created to be great saints...lets not miss this opportunity!
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Our Words Always Matter...For Every Word We Speak is Either Building or Tearing Down Something Good & Pure... Our Anger Could Be Building the Dominion of the Evil One WE are Complaining of and do not Even REalize It!

Regardless where you and I are on any given day...each one of us are building contractors building something near us and far far as our words travel each day!

And we can only be chased down by blessings when our words never divide marriages, or covenants that God has joined, blessed and declared.

Pure words that are kind and compassionate that heal wounds caused by harshness of others will always draw many to want to know us, love us that they too can continue to be showered by our kindness...

That they too like me and you can also become fountains of kindness as well...
Flowing from the spring that is HIM within our hearts dwell.

Faith comes by hearing...
Hearing HIS Holy Words spoken by thy mouths...your mouth and mine...
So let us cut from our vocabulary all words that tear down self esteem causing many to be unable to find who they are in Jesus Christ...

If we are speaking slang words such as:  "Hey Guys" to mixed crowds of both women and men and boys and girls...

Then we are teaching our children to conform to the world and each other...and not to the Holy Word of God.

Let our yes mean yes, our no mean no!
Let us say what we mean and mean what we say!
Let us be imitators of Almighty God who calls each by name!

Let us no longer call our sons and daughters "our kids"  for we do not want our children aspiring to be goats do we?

We want our sons and daughters to know that it is not only all right that they are different from one another...but that boys and girls are not supposed to be the same and blend into "unisex" cultures and things and ways.

It is not about Frank Sinatra who sang:  "I did it my way" 
We are to sing new songs joyfully about reaching out to do all things God's way.

And when we do make the effort God calls each of us to each by their own name, not their nicknames that they may feel respected and respect us in return...

Responding us by calling us too by our full names and not lumping us into groups with unholy names..

Each of us will be doing our part tearing down cultures of death.

For as we choose to speak only what is pure, kind and healing we will be building Christ's bride...
Our Holy Mother Church.

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Have You Ever Been Somewhere Where Everyone Talks Too Loudly...Even Yells Routinely?? It's Called Arrogance Whether They Know It Or Not!

Excessively loud folks will never be chased down by blessings as the quietly humble ones are!

Arrogance appears in society in many forms and not just in those committing crimes.
Because so many forms of arrogance have become so prevalent and common every where possibly imaginable, many are suckered into sinful living even though they do not want to be.
Habitual loud talk or yelling is a habit formed to gain attention on one self.
Sometimes this habit is formed so as to be noticed saying with one's volume rather than with words:  "Look at me...I am important.
Some are so arrogant as to even say it:  "If you want to get anywhere around here...It is ME you want to get to know!
Others even more arrogant than they say:  "If you want to be welcome here, IT IS ME you better get to know!"
These habits of poor communication actually over time cause many to do things out of frustration and desperation and sometimes this frantic behaviors that would have never happened if not oppressed with such pressure as being yelled at...sadly sometimes these lead to crimes even murder of ones friends, brothers, or neighbors...
And thus many continue to live in prisons of their own making.
But today we witnessed one African American man who refused to take part in arrogant folly at the Hammond Louisiana Senior Center.
Ironically all who speak much louder than necessary are actually hungry for friends....hungry for your friendship...
hungry for our friendship.....possibly yours!
Often when we visit places whether the Hammond Louisiana Senior Center today, or even Catholic Churches from New Orleans to North Carolina down into Florida and back...
From Madisonville Louisiana all along the Northshore of Lake Pontchatrain...and beyond people ache for our friendship but they realize not that they push us away with their loud talk.
When anyone talks louder than fast the other way or get caught up in the hostility their volume creates!

Today we witnessed this one respectable African American man do just this...
He recognized who is worth holding onto and who is not!

He recognized the man at the table with him was not capable of a simple civil kind conversation and refused to be the target of this man's self righteous arrogance...and knew it was time to walk away and did!

Our grateful applause to this senior man who unlike his table comrade whom he left behind was seeking a fight over anything anyone would fight him over...
This humble wise one will be chased down with blessings his entire life for his honorable way of living.

We have not yet had the honor of meeting him and knowing his name!
But Almighty God has been watching as HE sees and records all that each one ever speaks!

We will all be held accountable for every single word we ever speak because our words always are creating something but what they create depends on the words we choose to speak!

The man seeking conflict with who ever would give it to him was left to grumble alone as others followed the lead of he who walked off and out to eat lunch some where else...
others got up and joined other tables and eventually this grumbler's grumbles turned to mumbles till he realized not one was listening to him...then there was actually almost silence for a "little while" while the rest were just happy to eat their meal.

Each of us has the choice to walk and speak softly and enjoy the company and love of many!
Each one can choose God's best and be blessed with many friends who love them by choosing to speak honeycomb kindness, and respectfully addressing others...never leaning on another's wife or husband...
But seeking a wife or husband of their own.

These folks will always have friends and never be alone!

You too can be a Jacob or an Esther too and never be blue!

We do and so can you!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

You & I Can Change The World With Granny or Grand-Pa-Pa Walks & Talks

Today our youth have so many things out there ready to devour them even within their schools that most of us never were confronted with when we we in Elementary, Middle, or High School.
How can you learn what hidden talents God has bestowed into each of your own children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren and help them develop them if you do not spend time with them.
And since they all have 50,000 things and folks pulling on them to go here & there & everywhere that often they do not focus on important things such as their classroom studies and homework that often is simply a bore to them...
How about starting a new tradition...You invite your grand children who live in your area to go walking with you regularly.
Make a date with your grandchildren & great grandchildren every Saturday morning for example at the same time each week for them to meet & greet each other week after week.
Even if you Granny or Grand-Pa Pa are not in the best of health or shape...
Making this commitment  to your precious little ones could actually save their lives and make you much younger & spry all at the same time!
Each week Granny can make a different special Granny-Made Brew Punch in her favorite punch bowl that she only once a year  took out at Christmas, New Years or maybe the 4th of July to refresh both herself, Grand Pa Pa and all of her grand walkers.  Each week she may have different other surprises but only after their shared walk-talk share and care exercise time together.
And Granny & Grand Pa Pa never limit your Granny Grand Pa-Pa walk-talk exercise...punch & lunch sessions to just your own biological children...!
Please no!
They will miss their friends and may choose not to join you unless you tell them to bring their best friends along!
Every valiant Christian soul knows that it is not enough to go to heaven alone at the end of our lives.
We must live as such that HIS joy is so vibrant within our hearts that our mere presence anywhere causes others who have not God in their lives...
To want to meet & greet Jesus Christ at every moment along every street the rest of their lives.
So when Jonathan James, Sarah Elizabeth, Colin Michael or Callie Elizabeth cal and say:  "Granny maybe next week...Sally Mae & I want to go to a movie."
Granny never say:  "Well okay."  You will surely lose them.
Say instead...  "Bring Sally Mae too!  And after our walk talks and punch bowl super snacks...I'll put on a movie in the VCR and we will all enjoy it together!"
Never come unglued thinking their might not be enough for everyone...
For God multiplies all for any of HIS own who lovingly, generously always says: "There is always room for one more!" even if one more keeps coming every half hour or every minute.
For he or she who refuses to exclude even one of HIS little lambs...regardless how young or old...regardless what poor choices they have made in their past...
These excite Our Almighty Father so so soooooooooooooo much that HE cannot help Himself creating MIRACLE after MIRACLE for & through such a Granny or Grand Pa Pa Momma or Papa who reach out to HIS lambs who could stay lost.
Regardless if only 10-12 years old or even 13-21 or older...
These younger ones will yearn for their own personal Granny Walk Talks....Stretching and flexing much more than their muscles with Granny or Grand Pa Pa.
They will know that Granny and Grand Pa Pa care more for them than any other.
And they will not have to call Granny to get them out of trouble, because since they learned how much fun they can have with Granny...
They will not want to spend their time with any one else...and you & Grand Pa Pa will stay healthier at the same time!
Your turn Granny!  And Your turn Grand Pa Pa!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Regardless What Kind of Strange Circumstance or Sickness the Enemy Sends Our Way....

No matter what the enemy sends our way...GOD yearns to give us a much better day!
And it is when each of us both you and I purposely choose not to fear nor come unglued...
But  imitate Almighty God as we each were created to...
And as Oral Roberts taught on television long ago....
See the invisible and then do the impossible!
For when we choose to look through Jeremiah eyes... seeing what is not yet and singing praises for our greatest desires and dreams long before they exist...
Almighty God gets exited witnessing our Faith in HIM HE starts creating for us...MIRACLES!!!
MIRACLES are available for anyone who asks expecting to receive....with heir hearts always kneeling and singing new songs onto thee.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

When You or I are Criticized For Righteousness It Is Not Time To Be Silenced!

When you or I meet and greet each one  along each street we travel with a joyous song and a call to a higher life of righteousness,
Do not be so surprised that not all want to follow and come along...

There will always be some that would rather complain and remain in their crude but familiar same old same old more travelled road that leads to death.

There will always be those who will choose their own self-righteous ways that pay a promised salary though far less than GOD's best that HE yearns to give each one who is willing to leave behind their routine habits of the road around the same old mountain.

But lets you and I instead not lose sleep and certainly not our joy over these who make lots of noise with their threats of arrest.

When you see anyone who is living far below where they were created to be....

Challenge them to a higher level of life...Challenge them honor both GOD, themselves and others by changing their vocabulary....never call persons: "Hey GUYS!"  But rather what GOD calls them....

"Friends and each by name!"

When we call others by their true name that GOD Himself calls them we show them honor and respect.   
Maybe not right away, but soon and very soon when an individual is shown such respect no longer lumped into a generic group...

He or she will be inspired to a higher life style and  reach for and acquiring greater things...
Things that are holy, pure and true that they would have never sought had you not made the effort to call them what GOD has called them all along but never heard until you came along and echoed GOD's voice repeatedly with your heart always kneeling...

So Be an Esther or a Jacob and not be discouraged from living righteously but open your mouth with correction and encouragement and the blues will never come to you!

Amen Amen  Amen and Alleluia!