We ourselves will be chased down by blessings...
Both joy and jealousy will follow us all the days of our lives.
For those who have not received the grace....the art of joyful submission the with it brings the Holy Peace that surpasses all understanding,
They will hate us just as they hated The Lord.
But let you & I rejoice with The Apostles and the Holy Saints of Almighty GOD
That both our love, and great Faith...or commitment is worthy of their hatred for HIS Name sake!
Keep on singing in spite of their snickers...say a prayer for them as you fly past them upon HIS lifting Holy Wings;
Just maybe if we take the time to do so...our simple prayer may be all GOD needs to draw them to Himself that they not be lost.
And when you and I enter HIS Pearly Heaven's Gates we will have a river of believers trailing us to HIM that they to may receive Eternal LIfe In and Through HIM.
Amen Amen Amen and Aleluia!
Praying for each of you. Watch "The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song
(complete)" on YouTube
5 years ago
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