Thursday, February 9, 2012

When You or I are Criticized For Righteousness It Is Not Time To Be Silenced!

When you or I meet and greet each one  along each street we travel with a joyous song and a call to a higher life of righteousness,
Do not be so surprised that not all want to follow and come along...

There will always be some that would rather complain and remain in their crude but familiar same old same old more travelled road that leads to death.

There will always be those who will choose their own self-righteous ways that pay a promised salary though far less than GOD's best that HE yearns to give each one who is willing to leave behind their routine habits of the road around the same old mountain.

But lets you and I instead not lose sleep and certainly not our joy over these who make lots of noise with their threats of arrest.

When you see anyone who is living far below where they were created to be....

Challenge them to a higher level of life...Challenge them honor both GOD, themselves and others by changing their vocabulary....never call persons: "Hey GUYS!"  But rather what GOD calls them....

"Friends and each by name!"

When we call others by their true name that GOD Himself calls them we show them honor and respect.   
Maybe not right away, but soon and very soon when an individual is shown such respect no longer lumped into a generic group...

He or she will be inspired to a higher life style and  reach for and acquiring greater things...
Things that are holy, pure and true that they would have never sought had you not made the effort to call them what GOD has called them all along but never heard until you came along and echoed GOD's voice repeatedly with your heart always kneeling...

So Be an Esther or a Jacob and not be discouraged from living righteously but open your mouth with correction and encouragement and the blues will never come to you!

Amen Amen  Amen and Alleluia!