Never dread another day....
But instead choose to LET HIM Make Each Day a Bright NEW DAy.... Never a Blue Day again!!
All it takes to have a song in your Smile & Step...
Is to say out loud as you wake "I love YOU LORD..."... and
HE Will Begin Singing Through YOU!!
And You'll never again Sing the Blues...
But Forever be in the Pinks & Greens..
For HIS Joy Raises Me Daily and will Do you the Same..... when You Choose HIS Joy... His Song...His Laughter Forever Will Riegn in Your Heart TOO!
Just a mustard grain of Determination and a deliberate choice of ones will to Let HIM Make Each New Day Wonderful..... Chassing You Down EveryWhere You GO with Blessings.....
Only Because you Chose to Start Your Day Singing HIM Praises!!
Amen Amen Alleluia!
Be Blessed ForEver & Ever! Wasting Not Wanting Not... No Recordings Here..... Just Peace that Surpasses all Understanding!!